Ways to pay your rent

HFC rent is administered by Shared Habitat

Contact on 0161 791 2000 phone or ‘Whats app’

You can pay your rent using the following methods:-

  • Direct Debit or Standing Order –
    Account Number: 70078884
    Sort Code: 08-90-00
    Reference: Use your Flat Number
  • All Pay – online – you need a card.
  • No Internet payment at the moment
  • No credit or debit card payment over the phone.
  • No online account info so ring or ‘whats app’ and ask for a statement.

Shared Habitat opening Hours for 9 – 5

Advice and Help

can provide advice on housing benefit and can complete a housing benefit calculation that will give you a guide to what your entitlement may be. They can assits with DHP

You can access this service yourself and submit online housing benefit claims at www.manchester.gov.uk , click ‘Apply for Benefits’, and track existing benefit claims www.manchester.gov.uk/tracker.

For independent advice you can also contact the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).