Booking the Meeting Room

You can access the HfC Members Room for free if you’re an active Member of a HFC working group, as defined by Membership Group on this website.

Booking the Coop Meeting Room

To do this please check 1st the availability for your dates on the WFC website using their live calendar for the Members Room.

If your date is free please email; with the information below;

1. Your Name
2. Date of booking(s)
3. Which working group you’re part of / current HFC activity for the last 6 months.
4. Who is using the room and for what purpose.

The group will then come back to you with confirmation and info about accessing keys. We’re all volunteers so make sure you give us plenty of time!

Please note that you’re responsible for the room booking and any people who use it during this time. All bookings must follow the ‘room rules’ about how to leave it for the next user. To help, they’re on a sign by the door.

Any issues must come back to HFC using the email above. WFC are not responsible for managing the room for unpaid bookings / people at HFC.